We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Portable Rockwell Hardness Testers and our set up is situated in Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
- • Hardness tester is quite handy for product testing of crank shafts, cylinder blocks, liner & assemblies.
- • Can also be used for testing the hardness of both inside & outside of surface testing of pipes, bushings, ball bearing rings or other complicated parts.
- • The model can be used in any direction without affecting the accuracy.
- • Maximum test height x throat is 110 x 55 mm.
- • Rockwell hardness scales such as HRA, HRB, HRC, etc. is obtained by using different types of indentors ( Diamond / Ball ).
- • Machines strictly conforms to IS:1586- 2000 for Rockwell test.

Fine Spavy Associates & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. (Unit - I)