We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Horizontal Type DSP Based Dynamic Balancing Machines and our set up is situated in Sangli, Maharashtra, India.

BIE Make End / Coupling Driven, FBM-D
'BIE' make hard bearing type horizontal two plane Dynamic Balancing Machine with DSP based / microcontroller based I Computerised measuring panel. Machine Model FBM-D / FSBM-D I FSBM-DB are more suitable for balancing of different types of rotors like rotors of Electric machines, Fly wheels, Crankshafts cylinders, Submersible pump rotors, Blowers, ID fans, Fabricated impellers, etc.

Working of these machines are very simple. The cycle is fully automatic which starts the machine, measures and stores the unbalance in grams, along with the angle for two selected planes on digital display simultaneously & stops the machine (with brake, if machine is provided with electrical braking facility). The measuring cycle takes around fifteen seconds for smaller rotors. For higher capacity machine, the drive is provided through motor and suitable gearbox to avoid any damage to drive coupling and other rotating parts in drive system. VFD starter is incorporated with variable speed machines / higher capacity machines.

For DAS Panel, Key board facility is provided on measuring panel for data feeding of dimensions like A, B, C, RL & RR tolerance limits for both correction planes. For more details please refer features of DSP based / microcontroller based panel for dynamic balancing machines. Computerised models are also available (Optional). Special computerised software also can be provided (Optional).

To increase the capacity of machine for extra long rotors. additional bed lengths can be provided, which can be aligned along with the basic machine beds. Facility for additional bed with gap bed arrangement is also possible to accommodate bigger diameter rotors. Vertical Drill Head System also can be provided with all models (All Optional).

Technical Specification - FBM-D

Model Unit FBM-10-DSP FBM-30-DSP FBM-50-DSP
Weight of Rotor kg.

0.5 - 10 1 - 30 2 - 50 3 - 100 10 - 300 20 - 650 10 -1000 30 -3000 70-7000 100-10000
Maximum diameter of rotor mm
Maximum distance between bearings mm 480 480 1100 1350 1350 1650 1650 2400 3300 3300
Maximum distance between bearings mm *50 *50 *50 **100 **100 **100 350 500 500 500
Journal diameter range over std. roller carriage mm 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 20 - 100 20 - 100 20 - 100 25 - 140 35 - 200 55 -300 55 -300
Power of drive motor H.P. 0.33 0.75 0.75 2 3 5 7.5 20 30 40
Acceleration capability GD2n2 kgm3n2 0.29x106 0.37x106 0.37x106 0.88x106 3.9x106 8.56x106 14.12x106 88x106 160x106 216 x106
Minimum unbalance mass measured gm 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 1 1
Maximum unbalance mass measured kg. 0.4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 40
Unbalance Reduction Raito % 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%
95% 95%
Minimum achievable unbalance per rotor weight Microns or gmm/kg 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5

Dynamic Balancing Machine - Model : FBM-50 PC (End / Coupling Drive)

10 Ton capacity DSP Based Dynamic Balancing Machine, Model:FBM-10000 (DSP)

50 kg capacity Computerized Dynamic Balancing Machine, Model : FBM-50-PC

BIE Make Belt Driven FSBM-D / DB
'BIE' make horizontal, hard bearing type two plane dynamic balancing machines, with over slung type belt drive arrangement, Models: FSBM-D / FSBM-DB are most suitable for the rotors, where end drive cannot be used or where variety of rotors is more and number of adopters required are more for end drive machine. Typical applications are balancing of bomb shells for ordnance factories, pipes, printing machine rolls, etc.

  • • Machines are available from 10 kg. to 3000 kg. capacity in various models.
  • • FSBM-DB models are available up to 100 kg. Capacity only.
  • • Measuring control panel is DSP / Controller based, indicating amount of unbalance in gms along with degree, by using photo scanning arrangement    for generating reference signal.
  • • Speed range is from 200 rpm to 3000 rpm. For Standard models, depending upon capacity, 200-1200 rpm speed is provided.
  • • Balancing accuracies achievable up to 0.5 microns for maximum rotor weight.
  • • Machines are more suitable for Production shops, Balancing job workshops, repairy workshops, etc.

To increase the capacity of machine for extra long rotors. additional bed lengths can be provided, which can be aligned along with the basic machine beds. Facility for additional bed with gap bed arrangement is also possible to accommodate bigger diameter rotors. Vertical Drill Head System also can be provided with all models (All Optional).

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Technical Specification - FSBM-D

Weight of Rotor
0.3 - 10
0.3 - 30
0.5 - 50
0.5 - 100
0.5 - 300
15 - 650
20 - 1000
300 - 3000
Maximum diameter of rotor mm
Maximum distance between bearings mm 700 700 1200 1500 1500 1650 1650 2400
Maximum Dia of rotor under belt mm 150 150 150 250 350 400 400 500
Journal diameter range over std. roller carriage mm 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 20 - 100 20 - 100 20 - 100 25 - 140 35 - 200
Balance Speed (n) rpm 500 - 3000 500 - 3000 500 - 3000 500 - 2000 500 - 2000 200 - 1000 200 - 1000 200 - 1000
Power of drive motor H.P. 0.33 0.75 0.75 2 3 5 7.5 20
Acceleration Capability GD2n2 kgm2n2 0.29x106 0.37x106 0.37x106 0.88x106 3.90x106 8.56x106 14.12x106 88x106
Minimum Achievable Unbalance Microns or gmm/kg 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5

Technical Specification - FSBM-DB

Weight of Rotor
0.3 - 10
0.3 - 30
0.5 - 50
0.5 - 100
Maximum diameter of rotor mm
Maximum distance between bearings mm 450 450 1200 1280
Maximum Diameter under belt mm 225 225 325 400
Journal diameter range over std. roller carriage mm 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 20 - 100
Balance Speed (n) rpm 500 - 3000 500 - 3000 500 - 3000 500 - 2000
Power of drive motor H.P. 0.33 0.75 0.75 2
Acceleration Capability GD2n2 kgm2n2 0.29x106 0.37x106 0.37x106 0.88x106
Minimum Achievable Unbalance Microns or gmm/kg 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

50 kg capacity DSP Based Dynamic Balancing Machine (Belt driven), Model : FSBM-50 (DSP)

Dynamic Balancing Machine, Model : FSBM-100 (DSP) Belt drive

Dynamic Balancing Machine, Model : FSBM-DB (Belt drive)

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Machine Confirms to ISO : 2953 : 21940

Notes for Minimum distance between bearings -
* For FBM - 10-D / 30-D / 50-D swing diameter will be limited to 150 mm.
* For Belt Drive Machines, Standard speed are provided for machines
(200-1200 rpm according to models) ** For FBM-100-D / 300-D swing diameter will be limited to 250 mm.
Special Dynamic Balancing Machine as per customers requirements can be designed & supplied.

The features of DSP Panel (User Friendly) is as under :

  • • High speed 150 MHz processor based.
  • • RS 2321 USB / RS 485 Interface for reports.
  • • Compact design. No external hardware.
  • • Adjustable auto cycle according to geometry of job.
  • • Higher accuracy, increased reliability.
  • • Lowest power consumption (< 50 watts)
  • • Auto calibration with single key stroke.
  • • Actual RPM Indicator (Resolution ±1 RPM).

Balancing Instruments & Equipments (Miraj) Pvt. Ltd.

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